The American Karate Studio and its instructors have taught many people over the years and have left an overwhelmingly positive impact on those who learned karate with them. See some testimonials from our students below.
“Thank you to the American Karate Studio for teaching me self-confidence, patience, and how to stay committed to reaching my long-term goals” - K.F.
“All these years that I went to classes, I felt like I was part of a big family. There was a true closeness inside the whole studio. It was a special place for me.” - T.C.
"I have such high respect for all of the American Karate Studio instructors. I will continue to demonstrate the same discipline, modesty, and respect that I have gained by training in this studio.” - N.D-R.
“The instructors at AKS have been huge figures in my life. I can honestly say that I would not be the person I am today were it not for them. They’ve taught me a lot since I started at 4 years old, and all of it will stick with me.” -B.F.
“The American Karate Studio does a great job at encouraging a strong community of karate enthusiasts who have become my lifelong friends!” - N.S.
"They have created a wonderful atmosphere of study, fun, and growth in which their students thrive. There is really caring for one another and a desire to do well for the studio.” - J.S.
“The wise instruction and strong example of character I’ve received from AKS have helped me to become a better person. I know that my son and I are better people for having trained there.” - J.L.
“I don't have the words to say how much the people at AKS have shaped me into a better person. I hope they truly understand how their impact has a positive chain reaction that affects many people (and will do so for many generations). I am proud to be a part of the legacy they’ve created. I thank them for all they have done for me throughout the past 30 years.” N.T.
“The instructors here have played such an important and defining role in my life. I have learned all the values I’ll ever need to know from my parents and these classes. But they haven’t been just great teachers but have turned into great friends as well, and they’ve always been so supportive of me even when my interests lie elsewhere than Tae Kwon Do.” -B.D.
“As I look back to the first day I entered the American Karate Studio dojang (1987), I was a scared, unconfident adolescent. But as they taught and encouraged me I grew to be a self-respecting and disciplined individual. I credit them for teaching me how to set a goal and accomplish it.” - A.C.
“Being awarded belts as I advanced has been important to me, but the real treasure is the journey to black belt. I have made wonderful friends and achieved deeper respect for others while watching the instructors teach young and old. I took comfort in knowing that I was always doing my best, a value they have taught me. I will always have the memories and friendships created at AKS” -P.S.
“When I first walked through the studio doors, I knew I had found a home away from home, filled with people who would soon become like family for me. For a long time, I always felt like something was missing from my life, and karate has now filled that void. I feel so much more complete because of it” - S.O.
“The karate classes here have been incredibly important in my children’s lives. They have provided consistency along with training, exercise, and fun. They also all feel accepted and comfortable in their classes. I can’t thank AKS enough for all they have done for my kids!” - J.B.
“Thank you AKS for helping my son all these years. Mr. Marotta is a great mentor and teacher. I think he has learned from him than working with any therapist on Asperger’s and life in general.” - M.B.
“The karate classes here have been incredibly important in my children’s lives. They have provided consistency along with training, exercise, and fun. They also all feel accepted and comfortable in their classes. I can’t thank AKS enough for all they have done for my kids!” - J.B.
“Ms. Obermiller is an amazing instructor and has been incredibly inspiring to me and the hundreds of other students she’s taught. I thank her for always being there as I grew up and helping me to believe that girls can do everything boys do! She has truly paved the way for females at AKS and is an incredible mentor and role model. Her impact on the female population of karate students will reverberate through generations and will translate to all of our lives outside the studio as well.” - K.M.
“My instructor at the American Karate Studio is such a balancing influence in my life, and I know that she has helped me develop the tools to make it on my own. I thank her for being the positive influence and the amazing role model she is! I will always carry her generosity and the lessons she has taught me in my heart.” - J.
“This last year has been very stressful, and I cannot begin to express how much it has meant to have a place to go with my kids where we can enjoy something together. We have learned so much from the instructors at this studio, and it has made an amazing difference in all our lives.” - C.M.
“The money we spent on karate was the best investment of any activity my son was involved in. The instructors were a very positive influence on him.” J.N.
"All these years that I have gone to classes at the American Karate Studio, I felt like I was part of a big family. There was a true closeness inside the whole studio. It will always be a special place for me.” - T.C.
There is no single force in my life to which I owe so much. Mr. Marotta's karate school picked up a tiny, rotten self-imaged little kid and literally saved my life by changing it. His gift was teaching esteem and confidence. He and his instructors would not only encourage confidence but would settle for nothing less, which carried over to the rest of my life. Karate gave me the strength, esteem, and will to get myself into other beneficial practices. If this is just one student, imagine how many others have undoubtedly experienced similar effects and the students who went into it much much deeper and with more perseverance than myself, the benefits they’ve reaped! AKS has been the most far-reaching and profoundly positive influence in my life.” - M.P
“I give many thanks to the instructors for being such important role models for me growing up. I thank them for giving me an opportunity to grow as a person. They have always been in my corner to help me meet life’s challenges. I hope my children have the same pleasure of growing up with them.” - A.
“I thank the instructors for always challenging me to do better and be more confident inside and out of the studio the past 11 and a half years” - L.M.
“We are understandably proud of our children’s accomplishments, which would not have been possible without karate. Both my boys are very good at setting long-term goals and achieving them. We can attribute a great deal of their success to all they learned from karate: poise under pressure, perseverance, goal-setting (both short and long-term), confidence, respect for others, respect for teachers, what it means to be a mentor, leadership skills and numerous athletic attributes.” - D.D.
“Thank you for all the support, kindness, and generosity I’ve received at AKS over all these years. Without their influence, I would not be the person I am today. I thank them for teaching me self-discipline and for providing an awesome outlet for me through karate” - T.K.
“I wanted to tell you how important the American Karate Studio has been to our family, especially our children. Both my children learned so much from them in so many ways. The instructors have been an incredibly positive influence they will carry for the rest of their lives. I would like to extend a very heartfelt thank you to all of the AKS instructors for their help and support over the last 13 years. Both my kids refer to them as the G.O.A.T!” - M.R.
Regardless, thank you so much for all your guidance and support during those teenage years. I might not have continued with AKS but I've taken all that you taught me and I use it on a daily basis. Thanks so much again! - A.P.